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emWave2® / emWave® Pro Multi-user / emWave® Pro Plus

emWave Pro Multi-user – emWave Pro Plus

HeartMath emWave-2

On the go or at your computer, the emWave2® teaches you how to shift from stress and frustration to balance and resilience with real-time feedback, based on your heart rhythm. Sometimes, all we need is a little feedback to make positive changes within ourselves. Imagine if that feedback could come straight from your own heart. Well, now it can.

emWave® for Health ProfessionalsExperience the Power and Intelligence of Your Heart

HeartMath emWave2

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HeartMath emWave2®

The award-winning emWave2® is based on years of scientific research and is designed to teach you how to shift your emotional state in the moment – so you feel better and think more clearly.

When we’re stressed, we feel poorly, and our brain function and creative thinking become impaired.

We might overlook or forget important details, overreact to small stuff, say things we regret, get overwhelmed, have trouble sleeping or feel exhausted and drained. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

With emWave2, you will learn how to restore emotional balance right in the moment you need it.

The HeartMath emWave® is optimized to ensure accurate HRV and Coherence measurement.

  • Use emWave2 on the go as a portable training device and for session storage.
  • Run sessions on your computer and watch your coherence in real time.
  • Download your stored on-the-go sessions for graphical review and comparison.
  • Interactive Coherence Coach® teaches you a key HeartMath self-regulation technique.
  • Four challenge levels include an Advanced User mode.
  • Adjustable LED display brightness and audio feedback.
  • A variety of coherence-building tools make sessions more entertaining.

emWave® Pro Multi-user for Health ProfessionalsExperience the Power and Intelligence of Your Heart

HeartMath emWave® Pro

HeartMath emWave® Pro Multi-user

The emWave® Pro is a scientifically validated heart-rate monitoring system that facilitates learning techniques to create an optimal state in which the heart, mind, and emotions are operating in sync and balanced. This is achieved through a patented process that displays heart rhythm patterns in real time showing you when you are in this high-performance state. We call this coherence.

The emWave® Pro helps you achieve coherence and alignment through simple-to-learn exercises and a rich graphical interface. Using a pulse sensor plugged into your USB port, emWave Pro collects pulse data and translates coherence information into user-friendly graphics displayed on your computer screen. Through coherence techniques, interactive exercises and gameplay, emWave Pro helps you bring your heart and mind into a coherent state, building resilience, increasing energy, and promoting focus, mental clarity, and emotional balance.

Revitalize and Rejuvenate

  • Quickly re-balance mind, body, and emotions as you reduce stress
  • Build resilience through improved health, stamina, and well-being
  • Avoid burnout in chaotic and changing environments
  • Maximize creativity and innovation
  • Boost performance and increase mental clarity and memory
  • Be less reactive, think more clearly, make better decisions- especially under pressure

The award-winning emWave2® is based on years of scientific research and is designed to teach you how to shift your emotional state in the moment – so you feel better and think more clearly. When we’re stressed, we feel poorly, and our brain function and creative thinking become impaired.

We might overlook or forget important details, overreact to small stuff, say things we regret, get overwhelmed, have trouble sleeping or feel exhausted and drained. But it doesn’t have to be this way! This self-empowering technology uses heart rhythm feedback to tell you when you’re on the right track. A quick and easy 3-5 minute session a few times a day is enough to make a meaningful difference.

Our heart rhythm patterns are the best reflection of our inner state. We can use the Inner Balance to see what’s going on inside of us and learn how to shift into a state of balance, self-reliance, and renewing feelings, such as appreciation and compassion.

emWave® Technology

emWave technology is an innovative approach to improving wellness and facilitating personal growth based on learning to change your heart rhythm pattern to create coherence; a scientifically measurable state characterized by increased order and harmony in our psychological and physiological processes.

With emWave products, you learn to control your physiology through breathing along with your heart rhythms and focusing on positive emotions. emWave technology collects pulse data and translates the information from your heart rhythms into graphics on your computer or into easy-to-follow lights on the portable emWave2. As you focus on a positive emotion and breathe along with your heart rhythms, you will see the graphs and lights change to reflect your level of coherence.

As you practice on the go or at your computer you increase your ability to take charge of your emotional reactions. Your health, sleep, relationships, and quality of life improve.

emWave Stress Relief

The Science Behind emWave®

The emWave2 analyzes our heart rhythm, measured by Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which indicates how emotional states are affecting our nervous system. HRV offers a unique window into the quality of communication between the heart and brain, which directly impacts how we feel and perform.

Buy Now – emWave2® | emWave® Pro Multi-user

Get in Touch With Us

Here for you – Call us: 022-67353637 (3 Lines) or Mobile: +91 7045698373. We are there for your support

Email: jashvant2@gmail.comFor More Details about HeartMath Products Mail Us Now.

Address: Suru Kirlian Photography Center, 11, Sona Udyog, Andheri (East), Mumbai, India

Authorized Distributor of HeartMath® Technology Products Inner Balance™ and emWave® in India