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What Is HeartMath?

HeartMath is a unique technology based on scientific research and validated techniques, for improving emotional, mental, and physical health.

Studies show that through using HeartMath techniques, stress levels recede, energy levels increase and we are capable of achieving a state of optimal clarity, perception, and performance.

HeartMath techniques are not the same as relaxation exercises which generally promote a passive state. On the contrary, Heartmath techniques are active self-regulation exercises using self-generated positive emotions to drive the body into a harmonious state.

Simple HeartMath techniques can be used at any time, to control your own stress hormone levels and empower you to take control of the mind-body aspect of your particular condition. You will find these exercises useful not only for empowering you in the management of your condition but also in many of life’s challenging circumstances.

The HeartMath Institute ( shares fascinating understandings of the human heart, as explored in their nearly three decades of research.

The ‘Did You Know’ facts are lesser-known gems of information to enlighten curiosity on how your own thoughts and emotions are affecting yourself and others.

HMI Research Director, Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., says, “It’s important to take a pause and really consider what our emotions are contributing to our environment and to other people. Our research and its applications can help people create a positive emotion-based environment that has real effects on physiology.”

McCraty said that the true nature of human emotion is one of care and love. He said HeartMath’s and others’ research shows that by focusing on these core heart-felt emotions, it can enhance one’s connection with others, and that this connection extends far beyond the individual.

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